A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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UPDATE, 30 JUNE 2022: this game has finally been finished and re-released as Zugzwang

The old prototype will remain at this page, but I strongly recommend playing the new final version instead. Go to the Zugzwang page >>

/'sowɡˌtsvaNG/, noun.
1. literally "compulsion to suck", German.
2. a pun on zugzwang, a situation in Chess sex where the obligation to make a move in one's turn suck someone off can put you at a tactical disadvantage
3. a tactical gay sex cruising sim roguelike prototype by Robert Yang, made for #7dBL 2019 (7 Day Broughlike game jam)

To learn more about the game's design process and intent, read the artist statement: "Saugzwang as sexual architecture" (forthcoming)

this game is probably NSFW but honestly it's just some highly suggestive imagery and character animation (miming oral sex) but with no explicit nudity or genitals (I ran out of time)

  • PRICE: $0, pay what you want... $5 donation recommended
  • PLAYERS: 1
  • GAME LENGTH: 5-30 minutes
  • LANGUAGES (1): English
  • CONTROLS: Mouse preferred, but keyboard and gamepads should work ok
  • PLATFORMS: Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.11+, Linux Ubuntu (untested)
  • RELATED GAY GAMES BY ROBERT YANG: Radiator 2, Cobra Club, Rinse and Repeat, The Tearoom, Dream Hard

This is just a game jam prototype. Eventually I'm going to come back to this, finish it up, and do a re-release. Here's what I'm adding in the future:

  • Better gameplay / better difficulty curve
  • More explicit sex and/or nudity
  • Detailed game world
  • Expanded language support
  • Character animation, facial animation
  • Research into sex mazes and dungeons


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

saugzwang_v2_windows.zip 113 MB
saugzwang_v2_mac-osx.zip 116 MB
saugzwang_v2_linux.zip 124 MB
saugzwang_7dbl_windows.zip (original jam prototype) 111 MB
saugzwang_7dbl_mac-osx.zip (original jam prototype) 113 MB